5 top enterprise content marketing software to know in 2024

October 17, 2024 - 7 min read

5 top enterprise content marketing software to know in 2024.png

5 top enterprise content marketing software to know in 2024

Author: Mary Mattingly

You’re the content marketer at a large enterprise and it’s been a battle to get everyone on the same page and maintain brand consistency. 

While traditional content marketing you’ve been used to is challenging, this enterprise version requires more precision and strategy. 

And it's probably left you overwhelmed. 

But don’t worry, you don’t have to navigate this complex landscape alone. 

With the right tools, turning this challenge into an opportunity is not only possible but surprisingly straightforward. 

Want to learn more about these tools we’re talking about?

Grab a cup of coffee or a favorite beverage and keep reading.

Disclaimer: The information below is accurate as of October 17, 2024.

Best enterprise content marketing software: Comparison table

Ever found yourself buried under a mountain of content marketing tasks, wondering if the tools you’re using can handle the scale of your enterprise needs?

We feel you. 

And that’s why we created this comparison table — to show you the different features of each tool that qualified them to be on the list. 

Alongside key functions, you’ll also find the prices of these best enterprise content marketing tools listed below:

Graph comparing features and pricing for enterprise content marketing platforms

But this table doesn’t explicitly say what the tools can do.

No worries; that’s what the next section is for…

Top enterprise content marketing platforms by use case

Each of these tools plays a distinct role in content marketing

Some of them even have multiple roles but in general, here’s what people know them for:

  • Ceros: Best no-code platform for creating interactive content.
  • Semrush: Best tool for competitor and audience research. 
  • Canva: Best for creating quick designs with templates.  
  • Contently: Best tool for content planning, outsourcing content creation, and managing. it
  • HubSpot: Best tool for customer relationship management, all-round growth, and marketing automation.

Alright, let’s break down each of these platforms so you can see them in their full glory.

1. Ceros

Ceros is a no-code content creation platform for creating, distributing, and monitoring interactive content. You know, the kind of content that captures and sustains people’s attention, encouraging them to actively interact with your brand. 

Ceros homepage

Companies that use interactive content have boasted a 52.6% increase in content engagement

That’s what Ceros helps you create. And, yes, enterprises can use it. That’s why enterprises like McKinsey and Company trust Ceros. 

Jonathan Harrop, vice president at Digital Turbine, a user acquisition enterprise said:

Ceros allows you to do it all (content creation) at once without feeling trapped in the traditional development process.”

More specifically, here’s why Ceros is a good content marketing tool for an enterprise like yours:

  • Streamlines the content creation process. You can create different forms of interactive content using only templates; infographics white papers, articles, etc.  
  • Ensures every piece of content is aligned with your brand’s guidelines. Thanks to the asset library, you can maintain messaging and design consistency across content and touchpoints which is important for a big business. 
  • Ceros lets you create content for both small and large audience sizes and you’ll get the same quality results. 
  • Supports cross-departmental collaboration. You can invite other team members, assign tasks, tag them, comment on projects, and more. 

Ceros features

Ceros does all that because of features such as:

  • Customizable templates to help you start creating content quickly. 
  • Asset library where you can store reusable digital assets like typography, brand colors, logos, etc. to have a consistent look across brand content. 
  • Real-time collaboration with teammates so you can leave comments and collect feedback.
  • Data-driven insights to track how your target audience interacts with the content.

Ceros pricing

Ceros has a plan for enterprises you can learn more about by requesting a demo to learn more.

Ceros Pros

  • It can help increase user engagement through interactive content. 
  • It doesn’t require technical knowledge to get started. 
  • It’s integrated with third-party tools like HubSpot and WordPress to help publish your interactive content and experiences.

2. Semrush

Looking for a tool that can help you make more strategic decisions?

Meet Semrush, an online marketing tool with different specialties. 

Semrush homepage

Image Source: Semrush

It can be a spy tool if you let it, helping you check out what competitors are doing. 

On some days it’s a keyword research hunter by day and a web traffic warden by night. 

While on other days, Semrush takes on the role of an advertising guru, helping you find new markets for your products or services.

And when you’ve found the new audience, it lets you manage the entire customer journey with its built-in customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

Oh, did we mention it helps build a social media strategy? Yup, it can schedule and publish posts on social media for you, analyze the content’s performance, and monitor competitors’ social media strategies.

How does it do all that? 

With these features…

Semrush features

Here are some of Semrush’s content marketing-related features:

  • Topic research to help you find popular topics, ideas, and questions the audience is asking.
  • ContentShake AI for generating content ideas, SEO-optimized content, and AI images to post on your website. 
  • Rank tracking to monitor your site’s ranking for keywords in a target location. 
  • Market explorer to help plunge you into new markets by uncovering key stakeholders, their market share, and traffic generation strategies you can adopt.

Semrush pricing

Semrush has a free plan to give you a feel of all the tool can do. While it has different paid plans, its enterprise plan starts at $499.95/mo.

Pros and cons


  • It has a comprehensive feature set to help grow your business, from content marketing to link building, market research, paid ads, and more.
  • It provides you with metrics (e.g. keyword intent metric) to identify backlinks and keyword opportunities. 


  • It sources data from Google’s search engine only. 
  • It can feel overwhelming with the volume of data and features it has.

3. Canva

Canva, canva, canva.

You know it as a simple tool for creating quick designs. And that’s correct. 

But do you know Canva could be used as a design tool for your enterprise?

Canva homepage

Image Source: Canva

Here’s what you can use it for:

  • Design social media content, presentations, graphics, or videos in collaboration with team members. 
  • Centralize brand design elements and templates for reuse. 
  • Ensure your company’s content is safe by managing who has access and setting control.
  • Create one-pagers for lead generation. 
  • Leverage artificial intelligence to streamline your workflow by creating copy for the designs or writing summaries. 

In a case study of Expedia Group, a travel tech company, Rebekah Steward, the brand manager said:

Canva lets us save 10 hours per week and we can create more social content by up to 30%. It saves me so much time because now I have a template I can duplicate, clone, and reshape which would take me hours if I didn’t have this tool.”

Canva features

Here are some of its features:

  • Customizable templates to help you design new content without starting from scratch. 
  • Brand asset management where you can upload the brand’s logo, color palette, and fonts to ensure consistency across brand content. 
  • Canva schedule for publishing and engaging your audience on social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter. 
  • Integrations with third-party apps like Google Drive, Zapier, HubSpot, etc. to streamline your workflow. 
  • Video creation to help create, edit, and post video content across different platforms. 

Canva pricing

Canva’s enterprise plan is available on demand. But it has a free plan for basic needs and other paid plans starting at $100 per month. 

Pros and cons


  • It has a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
  • It helps save time as you can create and duplicate templates for reuse. 


  • It can be difficult to remove an audio copyright claim from videos.
  • Projects designed on Canva can’t be edited by professionals with other tools.

4. Contently

What if there was a tool that streamlines launching a content marketing campaign, equipping you with all you need to get started?

Say hi to Contently, a leading content marketing company. 

Contently homepage

Image Source: Contently

This tool is designed to help you with everything related to content marketing. 

It can help create a marketing strategy for your campaign by giving you content ideas to set you on the right path. 

With Contently, you get to find creators who understand your style for content production and you can set up a checklist to guide the content creators as they begin. 

It also lets you centralize different processes and tasks to a single location (like a content calendar) so you can monitor progress without jumping between emails and spreadsheets.

Contently features

Find some of its features:

  • Talent recommendations algorithm to help you find content creators based on your content marketing strategy. 
  • Voice and tone analyzer to identify the tone that appeals to your audience the most and optimize the content to suit it. 
  • Content workflow and brief templates to help your team stay on track with deadlines. 

Contently pricing

Contently has customized pricing that’s available on request. 

Pros and cons


  • It features a database of content creators who can help minimize your creation struggles. 
  • It has a digital command center for monitoring the campaign and getting insights on how to speed up the creation process. 


  • It has limited integrations with third-party apps in case you want additional functionality. 
  • Navigating the tool (e.g. finding the analytics tool) can sometimes be confusing. 

5. HubSpot

HubSpot is a marketing tool that helps you build content experiences for customers and grow your business. 

Hubspot homepage

Image Source: HubSpot

Primarily known as a customer relationship management (CRM) tool, HubSpot offers six main products to support your business growth. 

There’s the marketing automation hub, heading the lead-generation charge and helping you connect each client interaction with revenue. 

You’ll also find…

  • Sales hub for engaging leads at different touchpoints on their journey and closing sales.
  • Service hub to provide support to clients by helping to create a knowledge base they can access and automated live chat. 
  • Content hub for creating and publishing websites from themes, writing SEO blogs, creating pop-up forms, and more. 
  • Operations hub to connect client data and monitor every single user interaction. 

Here’s how one user narrated their experience with HubSpot in a G2 review:

It's helping us see how engaged certain clients are, which is extremely important in my industry where we need to ensure our marketing gets to the final client. This allows us to see which articles are most relevant to the client and what content is being engaged with the most, helping us to tailor the right content accordingly.”

HubSpot features

Look at some of HubSpot’s content marketing features:

  • HubSpot AI to help with content writing and generating reports, social media captions, landing pages, and email newsletters.
  • Video and podcast hosting for recording and publishing these types of content across different touchpoints like emails or social media. 
  • Multi-touch revenue attribution for monitoring user engagement to help calculate digital marketing ROI.
  • Custom report builder to create visualized reports of your data so you can make informed decisions.

HubSpot pricing

HubSpot pricing for enterprises starts at $1,170 per month.

Pros and cons


  • It’s an all-in-one solution for business growth, offering features across marketing, sales, customer support, operations, etc. 
  • It’s scalable, meeting the needs of small businesses and enterprises. 


  • It’s pretty expensive. 
  • It can be overwhelming to use with the different features it offers. 

So, that’s the end of our list. 

Now before you log off, we know you may be having a hard time deciding the right tool to use for your content marketing campaign.   

Let’s straighten things out. Keep reading to see how to make the right choice.

How do you choose enterprise content marketing software?

By comparing each software against the criteria below: 

  • Uses: Start by assessing what the tool offers. Can it handle content creation and publishing? Does it support audience or keyword research? Ensuring the tool meets your specific needs is crucial for a smooth integration into your tech stack.

Those are the questions you need to ask to identify the right tool to add to your tech stack. 

  • Support: You’re part of an enterprise; how you do things is more complex than with a midsize or small business. As such, you need a tool whose support team is available when you need them. 

Let’s say you want to publish content via a CMS to your website but can’t seem to apply redirects on the management system to update posts targeting similar keywords. 

In cases like this, you’ll need the tool’s support to come to your rescue ASAP, and figure out a way forward.  

Want to know if the software has great support? Read reviews of other users online. 

  • Scalability: Your enterprise is already a big name with thousands of customers and more in the pipeline. 

To be effective, you need a tool that supports your current position and where you hope to be. You don’t want to be switching tools because the first one couldn’t handle the growth that came with you. 

  • Security: Imagine your audience’s personal information like their credit card details is stored on your site and it gets hacked. That automatically translates to a damaged brand reputation and heavy fines to be paid. 

You definitely won’t want something like that to ever happen. 

That’s why your ideal software should have enterprise-grade security, ensuring users’ data in your care is perfectly safe.

  • Integrations: Go through the app or integrations page to see if it’s partnered with tools you already use. You don’t want to be shuffling multiple apps when working on a campaign. 
  • Ease of use: Lastly, read reviews again to see what people are saying about how easy the tool is to use. Do you need to have 15 years of coding or project management experience to navigate the platform or can you get started ASAP?

If the tool you pick meets all these criteria, you’re in safe hands.  

And with that, we can bring this guide to a close.

Over to you

You came to check what’s next, yeah?

Okay, let’s talk about Ceros. 

We know you were expecting us to. 

But besides that, we always recommend Ceros as a content management system to help kick off your campaign. 


Because it meets the above criteria and more importantly, helps you create engaging content. 

High-quality content is the foundation of content marketing and if you can get it right, you’ve solved almost 70% of what needs to be done.

And that’s Ceros’s speciality. 

Want to see how it works?

Book a demo today and let’s pick this up later. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is an enterprise content marketing platform?

What are the benefits of using enterprise content marketing tools?

What are the key features to look for in enterprise content marketing software?


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