The 10 best interactive content tools for 2024 [With real reviews]

July 23, 2024 - 10 min read


The 10 best interactive content tools for 2024 [With real reviews]

Author: Mary Mattingly

It’s almost time to publish a piece of content you’ve been working on for a while. You’re buzzing with excitement because you poured your heart and soul into it.

You dream of endless, enthusiastic engagements. 

You hit the publish button, waiting to get flooded with notifications.

But that’s not what happens. Your engagements are quite low.

GIF of Big Brother contestant pulling hood over eyes and tying hood shut.

GIF Source: Giphy

*sighs in frustration* 

Well, hold on now. 

What if there was a way to start creating content that’s so good that people are queuing to engage?

Say hello to interactive content tools, your personal scene stealer. They’re designed to help you create content that’ll capture people’s attention at first glance.

Want to learn more about them? 

Let’s take you through a detailed review of these tools where you’ll learn all you need to know about them and start getting customers hooked on your content. 

Disclaimer: The information below is accurate as of July 22, 2024.

Best interactive content tools: Comparison table

Before you meet the top contending interactive content tools, here’s a sneak peek into their profiles. 

You’ll find their prices alongside the major features that got them into the limelight. 

A comparison graphic that shows how different interactive content tools compare to each other.

Has anyone caught your eye yet?

They’re all great contenders, but maybe you need some additional information to get the ball rolling. 

If that’s the case, we got you!

In the next section, you’ll see what makes these top contenders the best of the best in interactive content.

Best interactive content tools by use case

So, you’ve seen some features of these tools. 

But now you’re wondering, “Is this right for me? Which of them can I use?”

To help you answer that, let’s take a quick look at what they’re good at.

  • Ceros — Best for improving and scaling the content creation process. 
  • ThingLink — Best for versatile interactive image and video creation.
  • Apester — Best for engaging content that boosts social media sharing.
  • SurveyMonkey — Best for surveys and quizzes with data collection.
  • Mapme — Best for building interactive maps with data input.
  • Outgrow — Best for interactive quizzes and lead generation forms.
  • — Best online form builder.
  • Ion — Best for creating interactive content for capturing high-intent lead data.
  • Foleon — Best in designing engaging interactive content formats.
  • Riddle — Best for interactive quizzes for user engagement.

Again, they’re all great options and if any of them stood out for you, that’s amazing. 

Now, let’s have a more in-depth look at them.  

Starting with our very own favorite…

Tool #1: Ceros

Oh, Ceros.

A tool that could be to you what Jarvis is to Tony Stark. 

This comprehensive platform is designed to streamline your content creation workflow and empower you to scale your interactive content creation like never before.

Ceros homepage

Image Source: Ceros

Ceros comes packed with features that make creating interactive content as seamless as it gets. You can choose from hundreds of templates or take advantage of the platform’s intuitive drag-and-drop functionality.

Getting started is easy.

Start with the static content you're already creating, then bring it to life by adding interactive elements like buttons, videos, and animations. 

“We used Ceros to create an interactive data visualization page for our readers to better understand and work with the original data we collected for an event. With Ceros, there are quite a few benefits in comparison to stagnant design, such as being able to present more information in a seemingly smaller place.”

Ceros is best for

Web-savvy professionals like marketers, content creators, designers, social media pros, and developers looking to enhance their content's impact and reach.

Top Ceros features

  • Studio: A creative workspace where you can bring your ideas to life, creating engaging, interactive designs from scratch. Plus, you can transform your most effective assets into reusable templates, streamlining your content creation across all your programs.
  • Editor: Designed to help you adapt existing content or repurpose proven B2B interactive content in minutes, not weeks, Editor’s intuitive interface empowers everyone on your team to create high-quality content. Even non-designers. 🙃
  • MarkUp: This real-time collaboration tool ensures everyone's on the same page by centralizing feedback, eliminating lost changes and overlooked edits. Upload a file or URL, add your comments, and share with your team – it's that simple. 
  • Real-time analytics: Stay informed about your content's performance and get insights into what resonates with your audience.

Ceros pricing

Ceros has an on-demand pricing structure. 

However, you can get a test drive to see how it works when you request a demo. 

Ceros pros and cons (according to G2 reviews)

People are having a blast using Ceros. Here’s what they have to say about it. 


Tool #2: ThingLink

Creating unique experiences with a high level of customization from both PCs and mobile devices. 

That’s what ThingLink is known for. 

Screenshot of ThingLink's homepage

Image Source: ThingLink

It’s an interactive software where you can fuse interactive elements like 360-degree media, VR, interactive videos, etc. into your regular content by adding hotspots that users can interact with.   

Hosam, a people analytics manager, says ThingLink allows him to create engaging visual content and resources that effectively educate and explain technical features and concepts.

Another ThingLink user Tracy-Ann, a teacher, says it helped her create content her students could interact with.  

Overall, ThingLink, lets you make your marketing and learning materials more memorable and engaging for users, giving them immersive content experiences.  On any device. Regardless of what field you’re in. 

ThingLink is best for

Marketers, teachers, small business owners, and eCommerce gurus who want to improve their engagement and user learning experience.

Top ThingLink features

  • Pre-built templates so you can save time when building interactive content. 
  • Scenario builder to help you replicate real-life scenarios in learning experiences using interactive media.
  • Multimedia editor for image labeling, creating VR experiences, interactive maps, etc. 
  • Analytics to track engagement rate and collect feedback. 

ThingLink pricing

ThingLink has multiple pricing options depending on what industry you’re in. 

For folks in education, you get a 60-day free trial with the paid version starting at $3 per year. 

If you’re in marketing, communications, or the corporate world, you get a one-week trial and a paid subscription starting at $41 per month.

ThingLink pricing

Image Source: ThingLink

ThingLink pros and cons (according to G2 reviews)

Here are some things users love and dislike about this tool…



Visitors have to register to collaborate and get creative.

Tool #3: Apester

Apester is like that one friend who’s your personal how-to guru. 

Screenshot of Apester's homepage

Image Source: Apester

With Apester, you can design interactive experiences that people would love, using elements like surveys, interactive forms, quizzes, etc. 

But that’s not all ‘the guru’ can do. 

The team understands that interactive content is delicate. It’s not like static content people can just share and move on from. 

Apester has a sharing feature that allows you to share interactive experiences in one piece so it has the same style across the board. 

You can also integrate it with your favorite marketing tools, so it’s easy to collect data from users, manage your contacts, and send personalized messages. 

Apester is best for

Tech, commerce, entertainment, and finance industries looking to improve user interactions on their platforms. 

Top Apester features

  • Apester’s studio where interactive content is forged using drag-and-drop functionality. 
  • Templates, so you have a starting point when designing experiences.
  • Experience player for sharing interactive content with ease. 
  • Data collection and analysis so you can listen to your customers and audience in real time.

Apester pricing

Apester has a free plan that’s valid until you have about 40,000 page views. 

That’s enough grace to decide if you want to go pro with their paid version which starts at $99 per month.

Apester pricing

Image Source: Apester

Apester pros and cons (according to G2 reviews)

So, what are users saying about Apester?

Let’s find out.



Tool #4: SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is one of the OGs in the content marketing industry.  It’s been around for a while now. 

With that wealth of experience under its belt, you can be sure of one thing:

It’s got some tricks up its sleeves for capturing people’s attention.

Screenshot of SurveyMonkey's homepage

So, how does SurveyMonkey deal with attention-grabbing? 

By helping users create interactive surveys, tests, and quizzes. That’s what it does best. 

You get customers to engage with your content without really doing so much – the main job you have to do is to decide on the questions to ask in your survey or quizzes. 

And you’re good to go. 

The team knew users may have difficulty coming up with questions. So they added pre-built surveys people can start with.

Cool stuff, right?

SurveyMonkey is best for

Brand marketers, user researchers, product marketers, CRM admins, and demand generation managers who need to collect user feedback and boost interactions. 

Top SurveyMonkey features

  • Pre-made templates to make it easy for you to get started.
  • Reporting and analytics for visualizing and analyzing data.
  • Data exporting so you can get reports in different file formats like .pdf, .csv, or .xsl. 
  • Collaboration tools to help your team work together more efficiently.

SurveyMonkey pricing

This tool has a get-down-to-business approach, with its paid plans starting at $25 per user per month. 

SurveyMonkey pricing

Image Source: SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey pros and cons (according to G2 reviews)

Do people love SurveyMonkey? Only one way to find out: 



Tool #5: Mapme

You’re looking to embed a map on your website but don’t wanna use Google Maps. 

“It’s too basic,” you say. 

You want something engaging and fun that people can interact with.

That’s where Mapme comes in.

Screenshot of Mapme's homepage

Image Source: Mapme

It’s an interactive toolkit for creating interactive maps. With Mapme, you can customize your maps with images, videos, branding, audio, etc. 

You can also integrate it with tools like Matterport so your audience can get a 3D and VR experience of the map.

That’s what Mudgha loved about Mapme. According to her, “The ease to add media, another location near my properties, and 360-degree views are awesome.” 

So, what else does Mapme offer?

You can draw lines to show routes on your map, design shapes that highlight areas on the map, and make the map look the way you want it to. 

Mapme is best for

Marketers, non-profit organizations, and real estate professionals who want users to have an immersive description of their location.

Top Mapme features

  • Seamless integrations with third-party apps so you can embed, share, and improve the map’s outlook.
  • Data import for adding data and user-generated content to your maps in real-time.
  • Analytics and reporting tools to track the map’s performance. 

Mapme pricing

Mapme offers a seven-day free trial to all new users. If you decide to take it a step further, its paid plans start at $24 per month.

Mapme pricing

Image Source: Mapme

Mapme pros and cons (according to G2 reviews)

Here’s what people are saying about Mapme.



Tool #6: Outgrow

How are people describing this tool?

Screenshot of Outgrow's homepage

Image Source: Outgrow


Because with Outgrow, you can create a wide range of interactive content. 

We’re talking quizzes. Calculators. Chatbots. Forms. Surveys. And more. 

Basically, any kind of content that can help increase conversion and engagement rates. 

This tool also lets you publish them to any platform of choice. Whether it’s your webpage or social media feed.

For Mads Knudsen, a small business owner, Outgrow not only simplified the process of creating interactive content but has also opened new avenues for audience engagement and data-driven decision-making. 

Outgrow is best for

Digital marketers, operations managers, web designers, small business owners, etc. that want to increase their conversion rates. 

Top Outgrow features

  • Branded design to customize designs to your brand’s guidelines. 
  • Intelligent analytics and data integration for securing customer insights.
  • Smart builder to help you craft questions for quizzes and forms. 
  • Integration with third-party apps like MailChimp, HubSpot, Google Sheets, Salesforce, etc.

Outgrow pricing

This interactive tool has two pricing categories: Popular and Custom plans. 

The Popular tier comes with a 7-day free trial and paid versions starting at $14 per month. 

Custom also offers a free plan alongside paid subscriptions that begin at $55 per month.

Outgrow pricing

Image Source: Outgrow

Outgrow pros and cons (according to G2 reviews)

Let’s see what users are saying about Outgrow.



Tool #7:

Do you want your customers and target audience to be more involved in marketing campaigns?

Then, is a tool to have in your stack. 

It’s a digital solution for creating online quizzes, forms, surveys, and calculators. Essentially, features to keep them engaged.

Screenshot of's homepage

Image Source:

Think of it as your starter pack for interactive marketing, helping you design user experiences people want to see. 

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 🧊

With, you get to build interactive content that can help you:

  • Generate leads
  • Grow your email list
  • Automate your sales processes, etc. 

Now, here’s the best part about this tool:

It comes loaded with professional templates you can edit.  So, if you don’t know where to begin, you can just pick a template and do your thing.  

There’s also an AI assistant onboard the ship. It can help you create forms and other interactive content in minutes. is best for

Marketing gurus who want to take their lead generation game to the next level.

Top features

  • AI-form generator for creating interactive content like forms, surveys, and quizzes in minutes. 
  • Custom calculations to create formulas with conditional logic and functions.  
  • Answer piping for personalizing follow-up questions. 
  • Payment integrations so you can accept online payments on forms. pricing has both a free plan and a trial version. Its paid plan starts at $29 per month. pricing

Image Source: pros and cons (according to G2 reviews)

So, what do people love or hate about this solution? 



Tool #8: Ion

The brainchild of Rockcontent, Ion is  known across digital borders for one thing: 

Helping you engage buyers with interactive content and capturing their data so you can study them and understand what it’ll take to convert them into customers.

Screenshot of Ion's homepage

Image Source: Rockcontent

So, what kind of content can you build with Ion?

A whole lot. Quizzes, assessments, ROI calculators, interactive infographics, videos, and more. 

Here’s how Robert Nicholson, head of digital at Robert Walters, puts it, “Ion Interactive is capable of creating a wide variety of interactive content - and has a large library of templated approaches to this content. This allows you to create a wide selection of interactive content - everything from animated infographics to calculators and quizzes.”

Aside from creating interactive content, Ion helps you personalize the experience for your audience. You can change what they see based on their behavior or who they are. 

Plus when you publish the content, you can track how people are engaging with it, so you can make quick decisions about your marketing strategy. 

Ion is best for

Digital marketers, product managers, business owners, and the IT industry that want to capture user data and improve sales.

Top Ion features

  • Creative studio where interactive experiences are forged.
  • Integrated A/B testing to help determine which content people love so you can scale. 
  • Smart reporting to get detailed insights on people consuming your content, how they’re consuming it, etc. 
  • Integration with external tools like HubSpot, Salesforce, and Eloqua to optimize your workflow. 

Ion pricing

Ion offers three custom-priced plans — Growth, Pro, and Enterprise. You can request a demo if you’re curious about how it works. 

Ion pricing

Image Source: Rockcontent

Ion pros and cons (according to G2 reviews)

What’s the word on the street about Ion?  Let’s see.



Tool #9: Foleon

Tired of creating SOPs, whitepapers, or documentation team members never read?

Want to see them excited when new docs are released? 

Then, you should try Foleon. A tool that helps B2B brands create on-brand interactive content that’s scalable.

Screenshot of Foleon's homepage

Image Source: Foleon

Say goodbye to the old content that drove your audience away. 

Now, you can give readers exactly what they want. 

Content that excites them. That they can interact with. And navigate at their speed.

That’s what Foleon user Matt experienced that made him say: “It takes away the monotony of a static design and allows you to create something much more engaging. So instead of just reading a PDF, your content consumers are engaging with a dynamic piece.”

So, how does Foleon work its magic?

By infusing your content with elements like background video, animated data visualization, parallax effects, and more. 

This way, your readers are enticed to continue reading. They want to see what comes after they click Next. 

Then by syncing Foleon with your CRM, you can see who has read what.

Foleon is best for

Content marketers, creative agencies, sales experts, customer support, etc. that want to produce intelligent but highly engaging content. 

Top Foleon features

  • Content builder, the editor where you create interactive content. 
  • Templates to help you get to work ASAP.
  • Collaboration so you can request reviews, organize content, and share assets with your team. 
  • Analytics to track what type of interactive content works or doesn’t. 

Foleon pricing

Foleon has a custom-based plan for everyone, from the upcoming startup to the long-standing enterprise. 

You can request a demo to get the lowdown on how they do things. 

Foleon pricing

Image Source: Foleon

Foleon pros and cons (according to G2 reviews)

Want to know what people are saying about Foleon? Find out here…



Tool #10: Riddle (formerly known as Qzzr)

I am something. I can help engage your customers and improve conversion rates. But, I ask questions first. What am I? 

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Riddle.

Screenshot of Riddle's homepage

Image Source: Riddle

While the tool is popularly known for making quizzes, it has lots of tricks up its sleeves. You can also use it to:

  • Create surveys
  • Build contests and giveaways
  • Set up audience polls
  • Design online forms

…and more. 

Essentially, it can help you create content that’ll entice users to spend more time on your site.  

Riddle is best for

Brands and agencies, product managers, content creators, and marketers who want to give their customers a more engaging experience.

Top Riddle features

  • Templates so you don’t have to start creating quizzes from scratch.
  • Collaboration to invite the team to contribute and organize the project.
  • Analytics for tracking and retargeting conversions.
  • Integrations with marketing apps so you can follow up on your leads.

Riddle pricing

Riddle has a 14-day free trial where you can try the full Riddle experience. Their paid plans start at $59 per month.

Riddle pricing

Image Source: Riddle

Riddle pros and cons (according to G2 reviews)

From the ease of creating surveys to the challenge of customizing quiz covers, here’s what users are saying about Riddle.



Over to you

That’s it, folks!  We’ve come to the end of the list.  It was an interesting ride, wasn’t it?

So, which tool are you going with? 

Well, you want to go with a tool that’s easy to use. A tool that takes your audience beyond viewing content to experiencing it. A tool that’s like a partner to you. 

A tool like *drumrolls please* 🥁…


It has everything you need to make creating interactive content a breeze. 

Talk about a drag-and-drop editor, it’s got it. 

No-code content creation and interactive design… ✅

Premade templates you can edit… ✅✅

So, what are you waiting for?

Book a demo with Ceros and start creating interactive content that will wow your audience.


Why interactive content is important: 10 key benefits

Learn more